Monday 27 February 2012

Teabag Folding

Day 5 - Tea bag Folding

Yesterday I took my first batch of crafts to church and managed to sell most of the extra I had made.  In fact I have had requests for more of the headbands, another quilled card and another sun catcher!

Today I decided to try another craft that I haven't done before - tea bag folding.  Tea bag folding involves making mini origami shapes from patterned papers and then glueing them together into a circular form (yes, they don't actually use tea bags - the name comes from the women who invented it who was drinking a cup of tea at the same time as trying to come up with a design for a card). 

I started by downloading a selection of free tea bag tile sheets, trying to pick them with an Easter feel. There are several online sites that will allow free downloads, one I used is:


I found this quite handy as you don't always have to download full A4 sheets and it gives you the chance to experiment with different sized tiles.

I cut individual tiles from chosen sheets of paper and then followed instructions to fold each square into the desired shape.  each rosette needed eight folded shapes.  I found this project a lot harder than I thought I would.  Some papers are better to use for different kinds of folds - which is why it is a good idea to be able to experiment!

Here is a selection of the tea bag folds I made.

It's difficult to make sure papers with definite designs on them such as the ducks are always folded the same way, otherwise you lose parts of the pictures or they don't all face the same direction.

I simply finished the cards by mounting the tea bag folds onto backing paper and adding Happy Easter.

I'm quite pleased with the finished cards!

1 comment:

  1. Wow this has reminded me that i have some of this in my cupboard! must have another go! I didnt know you could down load and print the sheets - shows how long i've had mine!
