40 Days of Crafts for Easter - Introduction

Welcome to my 40 days of Crafts fundraising project!

The idea for my challenge is to make forty different Easter craft projects over the forty days of Lent.  I'm hoping to be sponsored to complete the challenge and also expect that many of the items I'm making can then be sold at church. I'll be displaying all the crafts at church as I make them, there will always be a new batch of crafts there every weekend.

All the money raised will go to the church roof fund. Any members of All Saints Church Higher Walton can sponsor me by signing my sponsor form at the back of the church. Of course, I'm happy for anyone to offer  sponsorship to me personally aswell!

Each day I'm going to post that days craft project, so please keep watching!

All Saints Church, Higher Walton, Preston
All Saints' Church, Higher Walton, Preston

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