Thursday 8 March 2012

Easter Chick Gift Boxes

Day 14 - Easter Chick Gift Boxes

Here's an easy way to make simple gift boxes for Easter. These are all the things that I thought I might use.

I already had some small cardboard boxes waiting to be used and I started by painting them green.  I used acrylic paints because they are a little harder wearing and give a slightly shiny finish (plus, I already some at home) however you could use any other paints.

My glue gun came in handy for sticking down straw onto the box lids and I built up a couple of layers until I was happy.  I then glued the pom pom heads and bodies into place on top of the straw.  The chicks were finished off with feather wings, foam beaks and I used fabric paint to dot on eyes. Again you could use googly eyes, stickers etc.

I've put a little bit of tissue paper into each box - if they're lucky I'll put a few choccy eggs in them as well.

Special mention today to my youngest daughter who put on her apron and was a very able assistant, helping with the painting and glueing, thank you.

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